How Databricks Pounced On AI Opportunity Amid Snowflake, Palantir Rivalries

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How Databricks Pounced On AI Opportunity Amid Snowflake, Palantir Rivalries

February 21, 2025

The AI-fueled business revolution is gaining speed, and LEAP and our clients are weighing all the options, applying the right technology in measured and appropriate ways.

As Reinhardt Krause reports in Investor's Business Daily, “Many companies now want to search their proprietary data to gain new business insights and a competitive edge…But first, corporate data needs to be organized and made reliable so it can used for training AI systems.”

Krause says that’s where Databricks comes in. They offer tools for companies to customize off-the-shelf, large language models (LLMs) with their proprietary data. “We started in the machine learning, data science world. We were doing AI before AI was cool," Databricks Chief Revenue Officer Ron Gabrisko told IBD in an interview. He added: "We have several hundreds of millions of dollars (of revenue) in the AI, machine learning, data science space.”

Here at Leap Consulting Group, we appreciate what Databricks Founder and CEO Ali Ghodsi is doing to bring the benefits of AI and LLM to the “data intelligence” space. According to Krause, those efforts are being reflected in their growth versus rivals like Snowflake and Palantir Technologies.

Where is your company at when it comes to AI adoption? If you’d like to get LEAP’s take on the right way to integrate AI into your workflows and data management structure and the various digital transformation options at your disposal, contact us and let’s talk.

You can read the article here.

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